Cosmic Twins

Now that's not the whole story. I dubbed them Cosmic Twins and that seemed to catch on with everyone. Now everyone (including myself) is posting messages on the family site saying which celebrities (etc.) were born on their respective birthdays and such.
Well, the first time I heard that phrase coined (credit where credit is due) is when my friend Ron was explaining his relationship with someone who turned out to be one of his best friends in life.
The (broad) story is as follows (I hope that Ron, if he ever reads this, will correct me on the details - it's been a while since I heard this story):
Ron was born in San Diego (I don't remember the hospital) and between then and the time he met his friend (I think) in their teenage years or even into their twenties, he and his friend separately traveled to and made lengthy stops in different places around the world, moving with their families to different places and living on their own in various other and eventually their adopted new and (or) current hometowns. Ron now lives in San Francisco and his friend now lives in New York. As the story goes, upon meeting each other, they soon found out, in fact, that he and his friend were both born in San Diego - in the same hospital, on the same date, at almost the same time of day - and had not met until ~20 years later. Hence the term Cosmic Twins.
Now the term, by the definition (and circumstances outlined above), doesn't exactly fit the members of my family as we are tied by mother-daughter, father-daughter, niece-aunt relationships whereas my friend Ron's situation is true 'Cosmic-Twin-ism'. It still sort of amazes me that we have 3 sets of CTs (one is a miss by 1 day - my daughter and I) in our family in a relatively short span or time in my family's history. I wonder how many more there are in my family, if any.
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