Illustration Friday - Match

...I guess, I should actually say something about this since I've been asked a couple of times and a couple of things aren't super clear by the sizing of the pic. I did this picture a few years back as mainly an exercise in shading: the back wall of the room was done in a 'tattooing' style of shading where I did tight little spirals of black to fill that area and to give the walls some texture, on the jacket of the foreground figure I followed the lines and wrinkles of the fabric to give a flowing cloth look to the material and finally on the hat I used a tight cross-hatching to emulate the material there as well, for the rest of the picture I used a 'comic book' cross hatching for shading.
As I was creating the illustration, just for fun and not for any real or overt symbolism (of course there's probably some kind of psychological interpretation here -- I'm probably one sick puppy and just don't know it yet), I decided to do a couple of things to make the picture more surreal. If you look at the railing on the balcony, the shading is reversed. The woman's shadow doesn't match her pose in the doorway and (again not real clear in the sizing here, but) the foreground figure's thumb is actually on fire lighting his cigarette. Thanks for viewing and for the comments.
whats with the womans shadow being different than her? intentional i gather
quite striking indeed {no pun intended}
I like the harshness and noir style.
i like this, mysterious!
wonderful pen and ink.
Neat-o! Great little odd details!
Love the style, great shape and lighting!
wow! very nice work!
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