Friday, December 02, 2011

Word Cloud Shenanigans

Anyone ever wanted to create a Word Cloud? This is the cloud I just created for this webpage using It's very easy and there are a variety of ways to customize the cloud (color palette, font, background). The Word Cloud is generally use to graphically communicate the frequency of words used in a specific block of text, whether it be text from a book, webpage or even Excel files. Pretty neat stuff. Check it out.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

A little Egg Nog for the holidays...

Only MMA fans will get this one, but I decided to put a little something together for the die hards. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ribera Law Firm - Website and Corporate Identity Package

I just got done working on a big project for The Ribera Law Firm. They are a new law firm in SF and they approached me a few weeks ago to design their Corporate ID Package and design their website. Now both pieces of the project were things that I had done before, it's been a while since I've taken on a project like this and, while I embraced the challenge, it was a bit daunting as I haven't worked seriously with Dreamweaver and Fireworks since the MX versions and there was a hard deadline for completion of both.

The logo and ID design phase of the project took slightly longer than
expected and really determined the direction that we were going to go with the web design, but, when it came time to start the web piece, my computer at home died on me, which put me out of commission for about a week. I thought, "No big deal. I've designed web pages before. I'll just make up the time..." Famous last words. As soon as I was able to start the web design, I realized that my old skills and methods were completely obsolete. Not to mention that the functionality of Dreamweaver and Fireworks had changed a lot since I last used them. To make matters worse, everything is now done in CSS, which I never bothered to learn.

So I was in a bit of a panic this week as the clock kept ticking toward my deadline. I considered handing the job off to someone else, because I totally doubted my ability to bring the project home. Well, after a couple of sleepless nights, I had a breakthrough and was able to complete the project with a very minimal delay.

Anyway, the site will go live over the weekend. There's a temporary page up now, but I would surely appreciate if you would follow the link to check out the page and provide any comments or feedback here.


Ribera Law Firm

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Here's a link to my 2011 softball teams blog page. Please follow along for game results and 2011 season record.
Click Here

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hylah's Lucky 13 Bday Invite

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BLUR Softball 2010

Here's the link to my 2010 softball team.

I'm head coaching this year for the 1st time in this league. So far it's going pretty well. I think the girls have potential to do well this season.

To keep up with our exploits, click the link.

BLUR 2010

Monday, April 27, 2009

Purple Lighting Softball

I set up a blog for my current softball team - Purple Lightning.

Please click this link to see how we're doing.

Team Purple Lightning